The KaiKai Book

A single Cassowary egg is equivalent to about 10 hen’s eggs, so makes an impressive omelette, and as they contain more fat (the yolk accounts for about 45% of the egg, compared to 35% in a hen’s egg).


1 Cassowary egg
2 Scallions/Spring Onions
2 Garlic Cloves, skinned and chopped
1/2 Cup Cream
Salt and White Pepper
Sweet chilli sauce
Oyster sauce
Lettuce leaves (Iceberg preferably)
Salmon Eggs or caviar


Beat together the first set of ingredients and pour into a non-stick roasting tray. Place in a hot oven and cook until just firm. Turn out onto lettuce leaves that have been placed on plastic wrap and drizzle a small amount of oyster and chilli sauce onto omelette. Roll the rolled omelette in the plastic and refrigerate until at least room temperature. Slice into a two-bite size and top with salmon eggs or caviar.

Source: Outback Cooking Blogspot - 

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