Gardening Ideas
Discover the REAL reason why asparagus is considered the "king of vegetables." We reveal all the fascinating secrets of this springtime treat as we follow it from seed to fruit (yep, fruit!) to harvest and packing.
These replanting hacks will make you grow crazy! Learn how to repurpose vegetable scraps and grow your own vegetables at home with these easy DIY hacks!
Lettuce is one of the easiest veggies to grow in containers, in your garden or indoors and the results of your efforts are seen fairly quickly. With these tips, you can be enjoying the bounty of your own harvest in a short six to eight weeks after planting.
Here are nine easy tips for growing more food in a small garden: 1) Grow in Beds, not Rows, 2) Optimize Spacing between Beds and Plants, 3) Grow Vertically, 4) Succession Planting, 5) Interplanting, 6) Grow in the Shade, 7) Grow Edible Plants in the Front Yard, 8) Grow Microgreens, 9) Grow in Pots & Containers. Ideas from viewers: 1) Interplant sweet peas with sunchokes. The sweet peas fix nitrogen, the sunchokes act as trellises for the peas, and both attract beneficial insects. 2) 3 sisters garden. 3) Grow dwarf trees and plant shade tolerant crops underneath. 4) Grow in window boxes. 5) Optimize use of space by growing food you like the most