The KaiKai Book

Food and Nutrition Documentaries

Escamoles are the caviar of the Mexican desert. Unlike traditional caviar, which come from fish eggs, escamoles are ant eggs. Farmer José Islas Barrera invites us along as he digs up escamoles in Tlaxcala, Mexico. It’s tough work. Ants build their nests underground, and they’re not always easy to find. Next, we head to Mexico City where executive chef Josefina López Méndez shows us how she incorporates this delicacy into her delicious dishes. #AntEggs#Mexico #Escamoles

How far would you travel for a really good meal? To savor a bowl of charred-soy ramen at the family-owned Rishiri Ramen Miraku, you’ll need to take some combination of planes, trains and ferries to an island off Japan’s northernmost tip. But we promise this dish—featuring locally harvested kombu seaweed as the not-so-secret ingredient—is totally worth the trek.

Industrial agriculture is increasingly dominating the world market. It’s forcing small farmers to quit and taking over vast swathes of land. This documentary shows how destructive the lucrative agribusiness is. Whether in the USA, Brazil, Mozambique or China, agricultural giants rule the market. Food production has become a gigantic business as climate change and population growth continue. This is having devastating consequences for small farmers and for the environment. On the banks of North Carolina’s New River, there’s a vile stench. Clean water activist Rick Dove takes a flight to show us what’s causing the smell. Scores and scores of pigs are living upriver, in so many pens the farms look more like small towns. "We have eight to ten million pigs here. And the problem is that they are kept so close together and their excrement pollutes and threatens the water and natural life on the North Carolina coastline."

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