The KaiKai Book

The lovo is Fiji's method of earth oven cooking similar to the hangi of Aotearoa or the umu of Samoa. Actually it's pretty much the same across the Pacific. Tarisi Vunidilo introduces the method and style of a Fijian lovo as practiced in urban Auckland, Aotearoa, today. Her process is setup like this: 1. Prepare a menu for the number of people (volume of food is important) 2. Lovo consists of - meat, chicken & pork, vegetables; palusami and root crops: dalo, tavioka and kumala. 3. Make sure you have enough firewood, large banana leaves and stones for the lovo pit. 4. Prepare your meat by marinating (overnight) and wrap in foil. 5. Prepare your palusami (see our 'how to make palusami item for more) 6. Peel dalo and cassava ready for the lovo 7. Light the fire for the lovo, enough to heat the stones, then throw the firewood out leaving only the hot stones in the pit. 8. Line the food you are planning to cook, on top of the stones. 9. Food to be covered by green leaves to keep the steam in, then cover with soil (or sacks of potatoes and tarpolin). Food will take 60 - 90 minutes to cook.

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